Building a Successful Marketing Plan

In order to succeed, a business needs to develop and execute on a business plan. One of the key elements of the business plan is the marketing plan. Without a plan, you will squander valuable time, money and resources chasing one "bright shiny object" after another, missing potential customers and the opportunity to increase the spend of your current customers.

Every business, small or large, will be more successful with a business plan. One key component of a business plan is the marketing plan. A good marketing plan summarizes the who, what, where, when, and how much questions of company marketing and sales activities for the planning year:

The financial projections contained in your business plan rest in large measure upon the assumptions contained in your marketing plan. It is the marketing plan that details when expenditures will be made, what level of sales will be achieved, and how and when advertising and promotional expenditures will be made.

Here are the major elements of a marketing plan:

Effective Planning Requires an Accurate Situation Analysis

The situation analysis section of a marketing plan describes what is happening in the markets in which the company competes, and analyzes the company's product and distribution trends. Information in this section provides rationale and support for the marketing objectives, plans, and strategies.

Use a simple, common-sense approach to organize and provide only relevant information. Because the situation analysis covers a wide range of topics, it should be divided into subsections. These subsections should start at the "big picture" of macroenvironment influences on your business down through total market descriptions, the competition, target buyers/end users, and, finally, product trends and your company distribution channels description. Thus, the key subsections include:

Situation Analysis Begins by Examining Macroenvironment

The initial section of the situation analysis, the macroenvironment, sets the stage for the detailed analysis that will follow. Make sure that you capture only relevant information on macroenvironmental trends that might affect your business. Here are some aspects of key macroenvironmental forces that you should consider.

Situation Analysis Subsections Delve Into Specific Areas

The "Market Situation" subsection of the situation analysis provides information on the size, growth, and trends of the overall market and any relevant segments of the total market or category. Rationale should be provided for estimating the trend of the market, including key industry developments, introduction of new technology or new products, increased marketing spending by key competitors, etc. For example, a small business could include local industry sales or volume for the last five years and estimated total market for this year and the following year, with company sales and share of the market.

Outline Your Competitive Landscape and Challenges

In the "Competitive Situation" subsection of the situation analysis section you provide succinct and relevant information about key competitors:

Describe Your Target Buyer or End User

You provide actionable information on your target buyers, as well as information on the ultimate end users if necessary, in the "Target Buyer" subsection of the your situation analysis. Key questions answered in this subsection include:

Capture Key Metrics About Your Business and Products

The "Product Situation" subsection of your situation analysis section provides company information on:

Detail Distribution Channels and Costs

The "Distribution" subsection of the situation analysis section describes each distribution channel and its relative importance to the company in terms of:

Marketing Plans Should Define Issues, Opportunities and Goals

The "Opportunity and Issue Analysis" section of your marketing plan analyzes the major external opportunities and threats to the company and the internal strengths and weaknesses of the company, along with a discussion of key issues facing the company.

External opportunities may be seen in an analysis of the macro environment the company operates in. Other factors affecting your company may come from the market situation or the competitive situation that your company faces.

Marketing Goals and Objectives Are The Heart of Your Plan

The "Marketing Goals and Objectives" section of your marketing plan outlines major company goals, marketing, and financial objectives. All objectives should be carefully quantified, where possible, especially in terms of an achievable time or date. Objectives should be reasonable and attainable.

Major company goals could include both short- and long-term goals. For example:

Financial objectives are generally described in quantitative terms for at least three years in the future:

Businesses seeking outside funding and capital should provide a minimum of five years of projected income statements, although these are usually located in the financial section of the business plan rather than the marketing section.

Marketing objectives are quantitative translations of the company's financial objectives, in marketing terms. For example:

Well-Articulated Marketing Strategy Focuses Valuable Time, Resources

Every business owner should develop a written guideline that sets forth the business's marketing strategy. This document is used to judge the appropriateness of each action that the business takes. If a company has to take an action that is off-strategy, it may indicate a temporary emergency action prompted by competition or other factors beyond normal management control. Or it may indicate the need to change or revise the company's marketing strategy.

A good marketing strategy provides specific goals and can include:

An overall company marketing strategy should also:

Use the following checklist to help create your own marketing strategy.

Marketing Strategy Checklist

Test Drive Your Strategy Statements

If the statements in your strategy are measurable and actionable and work to differentiate your company and products apart from the competition, congratulations! If they are not measurable and actionable and do not differentiate your company from the competition, revise them until they are.

A good working marketing strategy should not be changed every year. It should not be revised until company objectives (financial, marketing, and overall company goals) have been achieved or the competitive situation has changed significantly, e.g., a new competitor comes into the category or significantly different or new products emerge from existing competitors.

Conclude Plan with Sales and Marketing Action Plan

This section of the marketing plan outlines each marketing event or action planned to increase sales. The plan will generally cover a calendar year, broken down by month or by quarter. For example, it may contain a summary of quarterly promotion and advertising plans, with spending, timing, and share/shipment goals for each program.

Sales and marketing plans should be a logical outgrowth of short- and long-term company objectives and your marketing strategy. In the business plan, the sales and marketing plans provide an outline of each marketing event for the year, covering the following information:

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