Connecticut Overtime Pay Law

Employers in Connecticut must conform with these state rules regarding overtime pay for employees.

In Connecticut, work in excess of 40 hours per workweek must be compensated for at a rate of not less than one and one-half times the employee's regular rate of pay. Computation of overtime pay due employees compensated on a piece rate basis and those doing two or more kinds of work at different rates is authorized. Certain extra compensation, such as various premium rates, may be credited against overtime pay requirements.

Exemptions and Special Rules

Overtime pay provisions do not apply to a person employed:

Inside salespersons. Overtime pay provisions do not apply to an inside salesperson whose sole duty is to sell a product or service, and

Delivery drivers and sales merchandisers. For the purpose of calculating the overtime rate of compensation required to be paid to an employee who is employed as a delivery driver or sales merchandiser, paid on a base salary and commission basis, and not exempt from the state's overtime requirements, the employer's regular rate will be one-fortieth of the employee's weekly remuneration.

Hospital workers. Computation of overtime pay on a work period of 14 consecutive days is authorized for employees of hospitals.

Hospitals may not require a registered nurse, a licensed practical nurse or a registered nurse's aide to work in excess of a predetermined scheduled work shift, provided the scheduled work shift is determined and provided at least 48 hours prior to the beginning of the scheduled work shift. A nurse may volunteer or agree to work hours in addition to the scheduled work shift. However, the refusal to work additional hours may not be used as grounds for discrimination, dismissal, discharge, or any other penalty or adverse employment decision. Exceptions to the mandatory overtime prohibition apply.

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