The Job Analysis Questionnaires contain two sample job analysis questionnaires. The first is geared to clerical and administrative positions. The second relates to employees who will be called on to manage people and make decisions affecting your business. Consider either a starting point in examining the needs of your business. Either form can and should be tailored to reflect your situation. The items listed may be right on point, or they may suggest other activities that are more relevant to your business.
The first checklist suggests duties that may be performed on a regular basis by a clerical or administrative employee. The checklist includes a column for recording how frequently the worker would be called on to perform each of the specific tasks (D: daily, W: weekly, M: monthly, O: other). This should assist you in defining what the major job responsibilities are.
The second checklist is designed for use when you are considering hiring a manager or supervisor. In this situation, the nature of the duties are frequently more significant than the frequency with which any single activity is performed. Focus on the types of decisions that the worker might have to make, who the worker might have to supervise, and other aspects of your operations the worker might be expected to manage.
The file is in rich text format (RTF) that is suitable for use with most word processing programs used in the Windows environment.