Workplace Smoking Rules in Maryland

Employers in Maryland must comply with these state rules regulating smoking in the workplace.

The Maryland Clean Indoor Air Act of 2007, and associated laws, prohibit smoking in indoor public places and indoor places of employment.

Employer coverage: Employers with one or more employees.

Written policy requirements: Employers are not required to establish a written smoking policy.

Posting requirements: Maryland requires that signs that state "smoking is permitted in this room" be prominently posted and properly maintained where smoking is allowed. The signs should be posted and maintained by the owner, operator, manager, or other person having control of the area. The letters on the sign must be at least one inch in height.

Employers must post at the entrance to an indoor place of employment a sign saying that smoking is not permitted.

No smoking areas: Smoking is prohibited in:

Permitted smoking areas: In Maryland, smoking is not prohibited in the following:

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