Michigan Overtime Pay Law

Employers in Michigan must conform with these state rules regarding overtime pay for employees.

In Michigan, employees must receive compensation of at least one and one-half times the regular rate for any work done in any workweek in excess of 40 hours.

Employers with two or more employees are subject to the overtime pay provisions.

Exemptions From the General Overtime Provision

Employers subject to the minimum wage provisions of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) are exempt from the state overtime requirements, except where the application of the federal minimum wage provisions would result in a lower minimum wage than provided by Michigan law.

The following employees are exempt from the overtime pay standards:

Collective bargaining agreements. In lieu of monetary overtime compensation, an employee may receive 1 1/2 hours of compensatory time for every overtime hour worked, if provided under a collective bargaining agreement or some other written agreement between the employer and the employee's representative.

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