Meal and Break Rules in Utah

Employers in Utah must comply with these state rules relating to meals and break times.

Utah does not have a general meal and rest period law. However, meal and rest period provisions apply to minors.

Employers must allow the opportunity for a meal period of at least 30 minutes and not later than five hours after the beginning of a minor employee's workday.

If, during the meal period, the employee cannot be completely relieved of all duties and permitted to leave the workstation or area, the meal period must be paid as time worked.

At least a 10-minute paid rest period for each four hours, or fraction thereof, must be provided for each minor employee. However, a minor employee may not be required to work over three consecutive hours without a 10-minute rest period.

In those unusual situations where a meal or rest period cannot be provided, the Labor Commission will decide whether the general intent of the rules has been met to ensure attainment of reasonable safeguards for a minor's health, safety, and education.

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