Workplace Smoking Rules in Vermont

Employers in Vermont must comply with these state rules regulating smoking in the workplace.

In Vermont the use of lighted tobacco products is prohibited in workplaces within enclosed structures and the common areas of all enclosed indoor places of public access.

Employers covered: Employers with one or more employees.

Written policy requirement: Written policy requirements not specified.

Posting requirements: Posting requirements are not specified.

No smoking areas: Smoking is not permitted in the workplace. Workplace is defined as an enclosed structure where employees perform services for an employer. Except for schools, workplace does not include areas commonly open to the public or any structure that also serves as the employee's or the employer's personal residence.

In addition, Vermont prohibits smoking in the common areas of all enclosed indoor places of public access and publicly owned buildings and offices.

Places of public access include any place of business, commerce, banking, financial service or other service-related activity, whether publicly or privately owned and whether operated for profit or not, to which the general public has access or that the general public uses, including:

Permitted smoking areas. For places of public access, restrictions on the possession of lighted tobacco products do not apply to areas not commonly open to the public of owner-operated businesses with no employees.

The prohibition against smoking in the workplace does not restrict the ability of residents of the Vermont veterans' home to use lighted tobacco products in the indoor area of the facility in which smoking is permitted.

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