Workplace Violence Laws by State

State laws regulating the carrying of concealed weapons and the duty to retreat from deadly force may extend to the workplace. Some states have passed weapons and duty to retreat laws that specifically apply to the workplace.

Several states have enacted laws that specifically apply to employers and violence in the workplace. Two of the main areas covered by these laws are the carrying of concealed weapons and the duty to retreat from deadly force.

Most of the states that have laws that specifically apply to employers allow employers to prohibit the possession of certain weapons on their private property if notice is posted or if consent is obtained. Some of these state laws have an exception for weapons in vehicles in parking lots whether they are public lots or private property owned by the employer.

Click on your state on the map for information about the restrictions on weapons and the duty to retreat laws in your state.

Select Your State

  1. Alabama - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  2. Alaska - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  3. Arizona - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  4. Arkansas - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  5. California - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  6. Colorado - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  7. Connecticut - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  8. Delaware - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  9. District of Columbia - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  10. Florida - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  11. Georgia - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  12. Hawaii - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  13. Idaho - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  14. Illinois - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  15. Indiana - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  16. Iowa - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  17. Kansas - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  18. Kentucky - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  19. Louisiana - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  20. Maine - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  21. Maryland - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  22. Massachusetts - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  23. Michigan - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  24. Minnesota - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  25. Mississippi - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  26. Missouri - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  27. Montana - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  28. Nebraska - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  29. Nevada - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  30. New Hampshire - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  31. New Jersey - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  32. New Mexico - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  33. New York - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  34. North Carolina - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  35. North Dakota - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  36. Ohio - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  37. Oklahoma - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  38. Oregon - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  39. Pennsylvania - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  40. Puerto Rico - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  41. Rhode Island - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  42. South Carolina - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  43. South Dakota - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  44. Tennessee - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  45. Texas - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  46. Utah - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  47. Vermont - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  48. Virginia - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  49. Washington - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  50. West Virginia - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  51. Wisconsin - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence
  52. Wyoming - Laws Relating to Workplace Violence

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